JSR 336: Java SE 7 Proposed Final Draft Specification

JSR 336: Java SE 7
Proposed Final Draft Specification
Mark Reinhold
2011/6/15 16:18 -0700

This specification defines the seventh edition of the Java Standard
Edition platform.

As an “umbrella” JSR this document indirectly specifies significant
features, which are themselves specified in related new component JSRs and
in maintenance reviews of existing component JSRs. This JSR directly
specifies smaller features, enhancements, and bug fixes that are not part
of any component JSR. The specifications of those changes are contained in
two accompanying documents: Annex 1 is a detailed change summary
and Annex 2 is an annotated API
specification showing the exact differences relative to
Java SE 6.

This specification also includes updated versions of the Java Virtual
Machine Specification and the Java Language Specification in Annex 3.

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The feature set for Java SE 7 is driven, in large part, by a set
of themes.

The themes describe the main focal points of the release. Some themes
are fairly abstract guiding principles; others are more concrete in that
they identify particular problem areas, significant new feature sets, or
specific target market segments.

The themes are not prioritized, except that the first one is the most

Compatibility As the platform has matured, yet
continued to evolve, many community members have naturally come to expect
that their investments in Java-based systems, whether large or small,
will be preserved. Any program running on a previous release of the
platform must also run—unchanged—on an implementation of
Java SE 7. (There are exceptions to this general rule but they are
exceedingly rare, and they typically involve serious issues such as

Productivity Java SE 7 will promote best coding
practices and reduce boilerplate code by adding productivity features to
the Java language and the Java SE APIs. These features will increase the
abstraction level of most applications in a pragmatic way, with no
significant impact on existing code and a minimal learning curve for all
developers. We propose to enable, among other improvements, the
automatic management of I/O resources, simpler use of generics, and
more-concise exception handling.

Performance The Java SE platform has traditionally
offered developers a range of features for writing scalable
multi-threaded applications, for example with monitors in the Java
language and VM and the concurrency utilities defined in JSR 166.
To keep up with the inexorable trend toward multicore CPUs, Java SE 7
will add new concurrency APIs developed by Prof. Doug Lea and the JSR 166
community. These include, in particular, a Fork/Join Framework which can
adaptively scale some types of application code to the available number
of processors. Java SE 7 will further enable I/O-intensive applications
by introducing a true asynchronous I/O API as part of JSR 203.

Universality Building upon the initial work in Java SE
6 to support scripting languages, Java SE 7 will introduce, via
JSR 292, a new “invokedynamic” bytecode instruction and related
APIs which will accelerate the performance of dynamic languages on the
Java Virtual Machine.

Integration The Java SE Platform provides developers
with a wealth of capabilities, but Java applications do not operate in
isolation. A specific pain point for many years has been that of
interacting with native filesystems, where a good user experience often
requires exposing some details of the underlying platform. Java SE 7
will include a new, flexible filesystem API as part of JSR 203
which will provide portable access to common filesystem operations yet
also allow platform-specific code to be written when desired.

Not every feature in the release is associated with a theme. The
themes outline the primary focal points of the release, but they are not
meant to be exhaustive. Not every theme, likewise, translates into a set
of features. For example the first theme, Compatibility, captures a
critical constraint on the further evolution of the platform.


Additions to the Java SE platform specification are categorized as
either features or enhancements. A feature is, roughly speaking, an
addition of which at least one of the following statements is true:

  • It requires two or more weeks of engineering effort to design and
  • It is significant in size (e.g., a JSR), or
  • It is in high demand by the Java community.

Any addition that is not a feature is considered an

There is, obviously, quite a bit of room for interpretation in reading
the above definition. In order to maximize the visibility of platform
revisions we have generally tended to consider borderline items to be
features rather than enhancements.

Component JSRs 

Each large new component of the release is specified in its own
separate JSR. All features, JSRs and otherwise, are described in more
detail below, but for ease of reference the component JSRs are enumerated
here along with their JCP status at the time of writing.

JSR 292: Support for dynamically-typed languages (InvokeDynamic) Proposed Final Draft
JSR 334: Small language enhancements (Project Coin) Proposed Final Draft
JSR 203: More new I/O APIs for the Java platform (NIO.2) Proposed Final Draft

Consideration of the following JSRs, while of interest to many in the
Java community, will be deferred to future releases:

Related maintenance reviews 

Several components of the previous version of the platform are still
available separately or have significant specifications themselves.
Changes to these components will therefore be covered in their own
individual maintenance reviews:

Feature details 

As a convenience, each feature description includes links to relevant
online specifications when such documents exist. These links are not a
normative part of this specification.

Virtual machine
JSR 292: Support for dynamically-typed languages (InvokeDynamic)
Extensions to the JVM, the Java language, and the Java SE API to support the implementation of dynamically-typed languages at performance levels near to that of the Java language itself
Strict class-file checking
As specified in JSR 202, which was part of Java SE 6, and in the recently-approved maintenance revision of JSR 924, class files of version 51 (SE 7) or later must be verified with the typechecking verifier; the VM must not fail over to the old inferencing verifier.
JSR 334: Small language enhancements (Project Coin)
A set of small language changes intended to simplify common, day-to-day programming tasks: Strings in switch statements, try-with-resources statements, improved type inference for generic instance creation (“diamond”), simplified varargs method invocation, better integral literals, and improved exception handling (multi-catch)
Upgrade class-loader architecture
Modifications to the ClassLoader API and implementation to avoid deadlocks in non-hierarchical class-loader topologies
Method to close a URLClassLoader
A method that frees the underlying resources, such as open files, held by a URLClassLoader
Concurrency and collections updates (jsr166y)
A lightweight fork/join framework, flexible and reusable synchronization barriers, transfer queues, concurrent linked double-ended queues, and thread-local pseudo-random number generators
Unicode 6.0
Upgrade the supported version of Unicode to 6.0
Separate user locale and user-interface locale
Upgrade the handling of locales to separate formatting locales from user-interface language locales
I/O and Networking
JSR 203: More new I/O APIs for the Java platform (NIO.2)
New APIs for filesystem access, scalable asynchronous I/O operations, socket-channel binding and configuration, and multicast datagrams
TLS 1.2
Add support for Transport Layer Security version 1.2 (RFC 5246)
Database Connectivity
JDBC 4.1
Upgrade to JDBC 4.1 and Rowset 1.1
Create new platform APIs for 6u10 graphics features
Create new platform APIs for features originally implemented in the 6u10 release: Translucent and shaped windows, and heavyweight/lightweight component mixing
Nimbus look-and-feel for Swing
A next-generation cross-platform look-and-feel for Swing
Swing JLayer component
Add the SwingLabs JXLayer component decorator to the platform
Update the XML stack
Upgrade the components of the XML stack to the most recent stable versions: JAXP 1.4, JAXB 2.2a, and JAX-WS 2.2
Corresponding maintenance reviews of
JSR 206 (JAXP),
JSR 222 (JAXB), and
JSR 224 (JAX-WS)
Change history 

Proposed Final Draft

  • Added Annex 3, which
    contains the updated JVMS and JLS

Public Review, 2011/5/16

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