JSR 342: JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) Specification

Ancora perplessi sull'uso di Java EE 6 ? Roberto Chinnici e Bill Shannon, Specification Leads della nuovissima JSR 342, vi invitano a superare qualunque titubanza...

Ecco alcuni highlights:

The main theme for this release is the Cloud...Applications written for Java EE 7 will be better able to take advantage of the benefits of a cloud environment.

The model for exposing resources to applications will need to be reviewed with the PaaS in mind

We expect the Java EE 7 platform to add first-class support for some of the recent developments in the web space, including HTML5 and Web Sockets. It will also include a modern HTTP client API as defined by the JAX-RS 2.0 JSR.

Although Java EE 7 will build on Java SE 7, we will encourage component JSRs to review and improve their APIs with the coming Java SE 8 language changes in mind, so that enterprise developers will be able to take advantage of the new language features as soon as Java SE 8 is released.

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