OpenJDK 1.7 su OS/X

Nonostante il sistema operativo della mela morsicata sia diventato negli ultimi anni uno dei preferiti dagli sviluppatori Java (e non solo), il rapporto tra Mac OSX e JDK non è stato mai dei migliori.

Ne Apple ne tantomeno Oracle hanno ancora reso disponibile una versione "ufficiale" dell'ambiente di sviluppo Java versione 7 per gli utenti Mac.

Per quanti desiderassero "gustare" le succose novità dell'ultima release senza doversi avventurare nella compilazione del pacchetto OpenJDK esiste su google code questa ottima build "precotta":

My Console

The History of Programming Languages (a quick look)

JDK 7 in a Nutshell (O'Reilly OSCON Java 2011, Joe Darcy)

Google: we use Java servlets for our Google+ server code

Articolo completo su High Scalability

Ecco alcune domande rivolte a Joseph Smarr (technical lead on the Google+ team):

What software technology stack does Google+ use?
Our stack is pretty standard fare for Google apps these days: we use Java servlets for our server code and JavaScript for the browser-side of the UI, largely built with the (open-source) Closure framework, including Closure's JavaScript compiler and template system. A couple nifty tricks we do: we use the HTML5 History API to maintain pretty-looking URLs even though it's an AJAX app (falling back on hash-fragments for older browsers); and we often render our Closure templates server-side so the page renders before any JavaScript is loaded, then the JavaScript finds the right DOM nodes and hooks up event handlers, etc. to make it responsive (as a result, if you're on a slow connection and you click on stuff really fast, you may notice a lag before it does anything, but luckily most people don't run into this in practice). Our backends are built mostly on top of BigTable and Colossus/GFS, and we use a lot of other common Google technologies such as MapReduce (again, like many other Google apps do).

Why GWT technology has not used in Google+?
Nothing against GWT, but the engineers who started building Google+ didn't use it, and in general projects end up all-GWT or no-GWT, and this was the latter.

What did you code the server-side? java? jsp? gwt? guice? I would be especially intrigued if any Go snuck in there
Lots of Java, no JSP, no GWT, lots of Guice, no Go. :)

Java SE 7 Live Webcast Event

The Java 7: Moving Java Forward Webcast features feeds from three live celebration events held in Redwood Shores, California; São Paulo, Brazil; and London, England. Hosts of the Java 7 events are:
Redwood Shores
Adam Messinger, vice president of development, Fusion Middleware
Ben Evans, author and member of the Java SE/EE Executive Committee
São Paulo
Bruno Souza, founder and president of SOUJava and member of the Java SE/EE Executive Committee

The 7th Generation

07/07/2011: Java 7 D-Day

O vedo male io o anche stavolta L'Italia (leggasi Italian JUG Federation) è fuori dagli eventi che contano (la foto l'hanno scattata quelli del parisjug). I Java "cempions"...

Working with (EJB 3.1) Interceptor

A brand new JBoss AS 7 project with Pete

Create a new JBoss AS 7 project from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

Realizzare "from scratch" un progetto JBoss AS 7 utilizzando Eclipse, Maven archetype, JSF2, CDI, JPA, JAXB, JAX-RS e Arquillian.

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