JavaOne Keynotes and Interviews (Oct 2-6 2011 San Francisco)

Apache Geronimo is fully Java EE 6 Certified

Apache Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 server è la prima soluzione OpenSource non RI (Reference Implementation) ad implementare le specifiche Java EE 6 Full Platform e Java EE 6 Web Profile. Prevede inoltre il supporto della OSGi Core Specification v4.3

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Java Magazine Nov/Dic 2011

RDBMS "in another dimension" : Java & MongoDB (by IBM developerWorks)

Java loses its Grandfathers

JavaOne 2011: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6

Java EE Past, Present & Cloud 7 (by Markus Eisele)

Steveless Apple

Presentazione del JBUG Milano (Edoardo Schepis)

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